Tag Archive for web traffic and optimization

Somalia Website

But what people should not be very clear, and that’s where there is “Timo” is that there is no link to the address you have provided, so a search can never find the address, then there may recognize the link our site, website or blog. Obviously, we confident that we are linking, we keep our link to your site, and we are generating revenues indirect free … What bastards! This is the first thing I think anyone … But no, they are not bastards, they are very smart, is a sweet deal! you are attracting people to your Web site or blog whenever you do a Google search, for example, as its ranking in any form is getting better … What is the best practice in such situations? Always the best option is to request discharge, and after confirming that your link has been created successfully, log off, if it exists, on the site where you just to discharge to place a link, and try to locate you within the Web.En if not get it, after trying manually, through a search engine, etc.

Is that link exchange is not reciprocal, or at least does not look so. More info: Keith Oringer. Other “scam” also very similar spread, is to make the applicant is required to include in your website, blog or Internet site, a link to another site that has nothing to do with the theme of the site where the exchange is requested, ie: If try to exchange links on a website dedicated to talking about the pirates of Somalia, and they ask you to add a link to a website cheap flights, things look bad … Well, not that we are talking about money, not even something that is really important because we are simply talking about Links … But after all, if we want to be reciprocal action because it is reciprocal, and that we are not fooled …