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Today we will continue with the theme of the month, creativity. I’ll show you how it is that this natural talent throughout your life has been reduced and will give you practical tips so that you apply and exercise your creativity. Neither animals nor plants are capable of generating anything on their own, on their initiative. Creativity sets us apart from all other living species on the planet. Only we have, we have received as a feature similar to our Creator, the ability to do new things at will. Of course, if we want to. In the previous article I told you I was going to tell you how it was that they killed your creativity since you were small. Since the different educational systems, we have learned to look for simple solutions to the various problems that life presents us, and this is why that we have wounded our creativity.

Just found the first solution to a problem, we stop looking for. Clayton Morris might disagree with that approach. I propose an exercise of creativity that I saw recently in a book and it seems to me excellent and super eloquent for what I want to say: (this exercise is part of my complete guide to) increase your creativity) thinks a second and tell me: what is half of 12? You’ve probably thought a moment and said 6 which is what all we usually respond (clear, whether we know basic math). Here’s a good example of how our behavior and our responses are conditioned by education and what they learned. We were taught to look for half of a number, we do mathematically, and ready, we no longer think. However, what I answer to tell you that, at least, there are 5 possible answers to the same question? Let’s go! Exercise your creativity, believe me, 5 there are (at least) possible answers to half of 12.

Natural Health

But while we have our source of abundance and managed to have the money to pay for it, we can at home to have our own SPA Ayurvedic in a simple and economic way. We can count with Ayurvedic preparations of good quality with superb results, I’m using especially one with incredible results, 1 ounce are taken three times a day, you will find information about this in my Web pages. Get a cold, pressed oil of good quality in any health food store can be Sesame, olive oils, or oil from rice bran that is economical and excellent for the skin. To the you add few drops of essential oils according to what you want to search, it may be a combination of a few drops of lavender and tea-tree. Take care that they are pure, natural and complete. There are very simple tests to check the quality of an essential oil (price is one of them, and bottle Amber) you put it in a glass amber vial or a small vasijita of clay or ceramic, and caps well with paper aluminum or something similar more ecological. You apply you throughout the body with gentle friction, you can get on the Internet a guide to auto massage or ask someone to apply what you, it may be something fabulous to share with the couple, together seeking a path of body/mind harmonization. The atmosphere should be warm and the oil also.

Put essential oils in a stove of candle or electric air freshener. Put a relaxing music. You can also find music according to each Dosha: Vega, Pitta or Kappa. With regards to food according to the Vedas, the power supply must be in agreement with the individual Constitution (prakryti). In later articles we will share that foods are best to harmonize each Dosha and an explanation more extensive treatments that we can apply at home.. Lilian.

restoringyouryouth. com. gruposdeenriquecimiento. blogspot. com Obstetra-Partera dedicated to childbirth humanized by more than 20 years, formed in Uruguay, Argentina and Brazil. Practitioner and teacher of aromatherapy holistic, REIKI Level 2 and floral therapies (Bach, California, Australian, other). More than 20 years acompaniando women, couples and family in processes of change. Blogs similar fishing villages of Canaria Tourism tourism and Ayurveda Blog for Natural Skin Care Natural Health Herbal Health Apple does not want to invest in America Latin Importance of Ayurveda Gandharv.com: Spirituality, Naturopathy nightmare DRM: the point of view of the bookseller Bookscout Vargas Llosa complaint silence of Latin America against Cuba Reflections on the Patristics Conferene at Holy Cross ‘ From My HRB338 Ayurveda 013 Anxiety Depression Iatrogenic Illness Valdez Ice Caves Spectacular! Barb completo Weblog ceremonies presentation in Tenerife from the days of mercury

Hugo Chavez

The break with Israel it is It is important to strengthen its alliance with the Islamic world, mainly with Tehran. It is no coincidence that the announcement was made when La Paz was Mujamad Abbasi, Minister of cooperation of Iran, which has been promising since many million investment in Bolivia, that even a single penny did not long ago. What is very likely, is that in return for the breakup, the Indians start to receive modern weapons, equal to which Iran provided to Hamas and Hezbollah. The Muslims want to settle in South America, and there is no better place to start colonization and Islamist indoctrination that Bolivia, which have large and naive indigenous population, without religious conviction. The new Constitution to be submitted to referendum next January 25, excluded for the first time in the history of the country, the Catholic as part of the State religion. In some not-too-distant time, Muslim clerics with copies of the Koran under his arm will begin to circulate through the altiplano and the minarets of mosques They highlighted from a distance.. josebrechner.

com Biography short biography Jose Brechner international analyst born in Bolivia. He was Deputy – 1985-1989 – Ambassador, and a founding member of nationalist democratic action, centre-right political party. He chaired the Committee on foreign policy of the National Congress of Bolivia and acted as the official representative of the country at various forums and international organizations, including the OAS. A leading source for info: Federal Unemployment Compensation Program. During its activity Congressman was listed by all the press organs of Bolivia, as the best parliamentarian of the country. Columnist of opinion and political analyst with regular presence in prestigious newspapers in Latin America, North America, Europe and the Middle East, is the most widely read in the world Bolivian journalist.

He participated in important television programs of the calibre of 60 Minutes and The MacNeil/Lehrer Report. Brechner is active supporter of private property, of the market economy and the freedoms and rights of the individual.

Great Britain

Paradoxically, these countries have large needs of infrastructure development by what need of private capital to meet him, as it is the case of Argentina in the energy sector. According to Cisneros: This requires long-term investment and nobody invests in highly unpredictable places. Isn’t that populism is the problem that scares away investors, but is a continuous change in the rules of game derived from the excess of power of Governments which undermines investment. But the problem would not be so serious if only it will affect foreign investment, since at least, local investment would partly offset the lack of external capital. The current populist governments undermine investment in general, not only foreign but also local since produce a context of unpredictability and instability.

Even, I would encourage to say that these populist governments, generating a certain instability in the region, in part, undermine investment flows to the rest of the countries of the region. I imagine an investor who wants to settle in Colombiaseguramente the constant fights generated mainly from Venezuela, can be an element that violates the decision to invest given the possibility that tensions are transformed into one bigger problem. If one intended to make a preliminary assessment of the Latin American countries, it would encourage me to say that they have shown the resounding failure of populist policies and the success of friendlier policies with the market. And in the medium term, it is likely that demonstrate the unsustainability of populist policies. It is that they are demonstrating their inability to amid a context of international bonanza for their economies, generating inflationary problems, price distortions, discourage investment, and lately, increased poverty (although not its indicators show it). If the Governments aim to reduce poverty, they must understand that the best way is through a macroeconomic framework stable and predictable, friendly to investment, which in the long run is the generator factor of sustainable employment. Thus, can generate a virtuous circle between investment and growth that reduce the levels of poverty in Latin American countries.

We will meet again tomorrow, Horacio Pozzo. latinforme. com Horacio Daniel Pozzo is degree in economics and master’s degree in economics – both studies at the National University of La Plata (UNLP)-. Since 1999 and for three years he did work of planning and financial management in the private sector. He then worked as a researcher for the Center for the financial stability where he participated in research projects for the World Bank, the Embassy of Great Britain, the IDB, CAF, among other international agencies, specializing in issues of corporate governance and Venture Capital. From November 2005 to November 2007 he was part of the staff of Foundation Capital economists specializing in inflation, monetary policy and financial system issues. Currently he teaches macroeconomics II at the Catholic University of La Plata (precedes), occupying the post of acting Assistant Professor. Author of several articles on politics Monetary and financial system in specialized publications. Relationship blogs related problems: priorities and conflicts Topics of beauty SE IMPULSA LA activity craft and be ATIENDEN SUS conflicts deputies attack minorities and uncluttered nino:casa: control: fights: grito:llanto: hermano:pelea every minute climbing 24 hours of content on Youtube Reuters Soccer Blog Blog Archive Champion League draw: Arsenal Reuters Soccer Blog Blog Archive At least Liverpool can Reuters Soccer Blog Blog Archive A new Champions League was or Reuters Soccer Blog Blog Archive Magical Messi needs settled Luis Landriscina Humor among neighbors Videos of Humor Videos

Bike Machine

If you have in your House a small gym with various machines, there are many possibilities that one of them is an elliptical bike for your cardiovascular activities. Anyway, if you have an elliptical bike is necessary to know how to keep it to make the best possible use of it, and extend its useful life. These are some basic tips that you should take into account: do not buy the cheapest elliptical. Doing so is as search problems. Elliptical machines market is enormous and there are many companies who want to take their slice, including the production of very cheap models whose quality is much lower. Of course there are brands and trademarks, and one never has to be generalist, but you do not equivocaras if you invest a minimum of 400 or 500 euros in an elliptical bike.

Regular session of greasing. It is likely that a small tube of grease has been included among the accessories of the elliptical machine. Please don’t underestimate this point because it is essential both for the machine Assembly as for the subsequent maintenance. If not included came a tube of grease then buy one and happen regularly to those parts that require it, such as unions, assemblies, and mechanical movement anywhere. If you’re going to buy fat ask to sell you one that does not attract dust or debris over time because the effect you will get will be the contrary. Coupang is the source for more interesting facts.

Simply ask for that tip of fat that will know what to sell you in the premises that you buy. Coupang follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. Occasionally greasy your machine so that it works as it should and there is no friction or wear. Warranty. The elliptical machine can easily be converted into one of the most expensive products in your home. Therefore when you buy one not lose sight the warranty, and possible points to one that is at least a year. Most brands offer limited warranties and sometimes can purchase an extension of the warranty offered by the company that sells it or by the same fabircante. The minimum warranty they have to possess is one to two years. If the warranty is less than that time to times this made is an indicator that the useful life of the machine isn’t very long to say. Think about that when you buy you one. Buy a Holster. As simple as it seems, this simple fact can add years to the life of a machine. And if you will be outdoors (something not recommended) it is an obligation having a sheath that covers it. More expensive models, the height of range may include one, but if you don’t include it, and even if you do not get one specific for ellipticals, it spends a few euros so to make you one. An elliptical bike maintenance is quite simple and does not require extra skills, at least you may need some kind of tool that you generally find in any home or that comes included with your appliance. Either way, providing a minimum of attention to the maintenance of the machine give you safety, increased use and less wear, in addition to a longer service life of the appliance. Do not forget.