Passing More

We always try to make what it distresses in them to pass, to disappear. But of in such a way trying, it seems that it grows, if it expands and it takes in them entirely more than what the normal one. Everything in excess suffocates in them. The love, the hatred, the outburst of laughter I cry, it. Everything that comes excessively, being ours or not, drives crazy in them, in the strap of the plummet. Baby clothes is likely to increase your knowledge. I am seated in the square of feeding of one shopping after buying a gift for aniversariante of the week. After bought the gift, I decide to rest and to observe the passers-by. Happy, easied and free people inside of that full aquarium of attractive pernicious, therefore involve in them with its glad store, its promocionais tricks and alardes.

While I observe, I am thinking that during that week I thought little about my habitual sadnesses. That they have not disappeared, but had other things so more important of what being lying in the bed, looking at for the ceiling and if spilling in tears. I was thinking about us. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Keith Oringer. You were more considerate, rude, less less imposing in relation to the activities which I vine playing during the days. Now she seems another person. Gentile, more cordial.

Perhaps, you were always thus. Yes, always it are thus: gentile, considerate and patient. I am that he was rude, inattentive and impatient. The plant defect is mine and not yours. I have that to repair these my errors. I have a person of my side has years and I do not obtain to see. I know that my presence is enough for you. for me? I have fear of that the time pass and let us continue empty thus of wanting. Feeling me less pretty until suddenly I discover that I left to pass time excessively and I will wake up more aged, weakker, more fool.

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