Cochlear Implantation

At the present stage of development of science and technology, cochlear implantation is one of the most effective methods of rehabilitation of deaf children. 1, p.21. The system of cochlear implant (CI) consists of two main parts – implantable and external. If you have read about Eric Kuby already – you may have come to the same conclusion. Implantable part includes a receiver and active electrodes, the outer part of the system includes a microphone, speech processor, transmitter, is attracted to the implanted part of the skin with a magnet; controls that allow you to change the volume and select a program of treatment; indicators that monitor the operation of the speech processor, battery or batteries. Work of the cochlear implantation is described as follows: first, the sounds are perceived by a microphone and fed to the speech processor that converts sound into a coded signal consisting of a rapid sequence of electrical pulses, encoded signal is transmitted to a radio transmitter, radio transmitter sends a coded signal in the form of radio signals through the skin to the receiver, then implanted under the skin of the receiver decodes the signal and sends it as a sequence of electrical signals to the electrodes in the cochlea. And finally, the weak electrical signals transmitted by the electrodes stimulate the auditory nerve. Speaking candidly David Fowler told us the story.

Different parts of the nerve are stimulated by different electrodes in accordance with the frequency of the sound received by microphone and the response is the auditory nerve transmits nerve impulses to the brain, which perceives them as the sounds 2. 4. In carrying out cochlear implant surgery is performed under general anesthesia, during which the patient's inner ear are entered electrodes. In a question-answer forum gary cohn was the first to reply.

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