Archive for July 2021


There are some doctors who do not dare listen to nobody, airway because its specialization are the kidneys or heart and so on. Recently they were discussing two colleagues with extensive experience in the administrative area, on a control and inventory management workshop and he said to the other. I can not dictate that course, my area is emotional intelligence, and course for leaders what an incredible said at that moment how a subject gives emotional intelligence courses and is not able to deliver a course for inventories? look you come easier to dictate a course of ‘intelligence and leadership’ which is a intangible for your reason subjective, to dictate something that we can manage with the observable (5 senses) we see the quality of professional. Who among these portents has dared to disprove those who have written about emotional intelligence and NLP? Excuse me where are the intelligent that have come out of these courses? Where is paradise created by the? do so famous NLP (Neurolinguistic programming)?, and have not been able to give is that we are in the aftermath of the times. Recently Michael Capellas sought to clarify these questions. Where do I want to reach? That we stop to think, even for a moment, what is happening is not normal.

That error of having removed the 4 pillars of human endeavor (science-art – philosophy and mysticism) is the result of the ‘pigsty’ that we have in this troubled world. Because what? That we have lost that connection with the divine and we become ‘animals thinking or rational’, not knowing that we will pass tomorrow, subject to the penalty of living. If we do not seek the awakening of our consciousness or open the INTERIOR mind, ever we train psychological man, and it is quite clear that we are far away discover that it is real science, and underlying. Therefore we affirm, that the fifth free initiative system, is pure science, because it is implicit the formation of the new man, through a Revolution biological, capable of generating large changes in our human nature.


Special safety containers provide extra security during storage and transportation of solid, liquid and gaseous hazardous substances. Accessories for filling and emptying barrels as well as pump is also available as stickers that identify the respective stored hazardous substances. With the right equipment and the corresponding Know-How, the HAZMAT storage is a safe and trouble-free endeavor. The GefahrstoffLagerung should be treated with great care, but is not a problem with the right equipment. Additional information is available at Richard Donnar. There are three different options for the storage of hazardous materials: the hazardous goods storage under roof, the dangerous goods storage areas and dangerous goods storage in the open air.

For dangerous goods storage under the roof there are drip trays made of steel, polyethylene or GRP, which prevent that leak liquid hazardous materials leakage and endanger the environment and people. Ever After, in what amounts, the dangerous substances are stored, there is the drip pans of different sizes. The hazardous materials regularly used, there are special from filling stations, ensuring a trouble-free filling. These are equipped with a tray which provides for additional security and is available in several sizes. Pallet racks for drums and IBC/KTC and small containers shelves are manufactured for storage of hazardous substances.

These are also, depending on demand, in different sizes and with different equipment. The shelves are equipped with a shelf, there is also through backups, grid shelves and uprights. For dangerous goods storage in rooms there are biohazard cabinets as well as fire-resistant cupboards. Environmental cabinets are designed for the storage of substances hazardous to water, chemicals and poison cabinets can also toxic and very toxic Liquids are stored. Poison safes are suited for the safe storage of poison, as the name implies, in safety cabinets can combustible, flammable, highly flammable, self reactive and even heated substances, and substances which give off combustible gases, organic peroxides, polluting and water-polluting substances are stored.

Youth Committee

The desire to dance has not disappeared, but has only increased … But the opportunities and facilities is not. I missed a whole year and Once, while at work I decided to recall a couple of moves. My friend saw it and offered to meet with the boy, who is engaged, it can take me to her. So I got a new team to break dance. And then you ask, as it relates to premises for dance classes? Simply, these guys are doing in a room provided by their host university. They talked to the leadership about the possibility of providing facilities, and it has agreed to help them, they simply required to periodically perform activities to the university.

And this is doubly positive, because then other people will see what you have achieved and perhaps you'll wake in them a desire to dance. Many dancers belong to the category Students, therefore, as an option may be asked to guide the university to help you. Danced a little more than six months, I had to stop dancing for some reason (training etc.), but after almost a year and a half I have some friends unrealistic desire to return to dancing and dancing. And again, I see a familiar question: "Where?". "We have to look for accommodation": – we think.

And we go to two places near us. Namely, in the Youth Center where we meet a prescribed a few days with the director, and, having decided to insure themselves, we're going straight to the Youth Committee of our district, where we are ready to provide accommodation, with the proviso that we will be more willing to teach and dance. But advised to wait, and suddenly the Youth Center will provide the room, just where conditions are better. And here comes the day of the meeting, I go there and just get a bunch of positive news that we allocate room for dancing on the same terms that We will train applicants. "Of course, we !!!- I said, and hastened to inform the rest of the news. So, I went back to dancing. Now retrained to break dance to hip-hop, etc. veyving and the way, when he studied hip Hop shortage of advice and so on, so I've decided to create my life and fill him with them – So, where can find a place for dancing lessons: 1.DK, clubs and schools. 2.VUZy. 3.KDM, Youth Centers. 4.Arenda premises. "The dance – the most sublime, the most touching and beautiful of the arts, because it is not just an expression or a distraction from life, is life itself. " (Havelock Ellis) So live, dance and good luck in your endeavors, and promotions …

The Field

“Archimedes said: give me a fixed point IN space, and I lift the world from its hinges.” This fixed point, which is a concrete target Pick your present reality out of its hinges. A clear, unambiguous goal gives the concentration. Their creative energy is focused on what you want. They pull off your power of insignificant things and focus on what you really want. Clarification and liberation. A concrete objective, outside your current world of for possible held, brings old mental barriers to the surface of your consciousness, so that you can perceive, penetrate and dissolve.

Orientation. In addition a numerical target offers a clear frame of reference, to measure your progress and your usage. It is worth! So, what do you want in this area of your life really? Mistake no. 2: the wrong target if you pick the wrong target, you can endeavor so much you want to. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Michael Hurlston and gain more knowledge.. Your subconscious will prevent all your success, or you will be arrived at the destination, yet unhappy. Following three can us when choosing our goal mistake wrong size: we are looking for us from a destination, which is either too small or too large.

Select a to modest objective, it is to mobilize very probably not your full potential. The difference it would make in your life, for your subconscious mind is simply not interesting enough, to guide sustainable changes in the way. A small target makes you not awake enough. Example: You already have a monthly income of 3,000 and set as a target 3050. Select a to giant target, which is very far outside your borders, it is for your subconscious mind in the field of fantasy. It sounds nice, but actually they foresee a possible fulfillment itself with any fiber of your being. A large goal is either a number of air (you can not feel anything there) or puts negative stress (it kills”in its size).

Natural Health

But while we have our source of abundance and managed to have the money to pay for it, we can at home to have our own SPA Ayurvedic in a simple and economic way. We can count with Ayurvedic preparations of good quality with superb results, I’m using especially one with incredible results, 1 ounce are taken three times a day, you will find information about this in my Web pages. Get a cold, pressed oil of good quality in any health food store can be Sesame, olive oils, or oil from rice bran that is economical and excellent for the skin. To the you add few drops of essential oils according to what you want to search, it may be a combination of a few drops of lavender and tea-tree. Take care that they are pure, natural and complete. There are very simple tests to check the quality of an essential oil (price is one of them, and bottle Amber) you put it in a glass amber vial or a small vasijita of clay or ceramic, and caps well with paper aluminum or something similar more ecological. You apply you throughout the body with gentle friction, you can get on the Internet a guide to auto massage or ask someone to apply what you, it may be something fabulous to share with the couple, together seeking a path of body/mind harmonization. The atmosphere should be warm and the oil also.

Put essential oils in a stove of candle or electric air freshener. Put a relaxing music. You can also find music according to each Dosha: Vega, Pitta or Kappa. With regards to food according to the Vedas, the power supply must be in agreement with the individual Constitution (prakryti). In later articles we will share that foods are best to harmonize each Dosha and an explanation more extensive treatments that we can apply at home.. Lilian.

restoringyouryouth. com. gruposdeenriquecimiento. blogspot. com Obstetra-Partera dedicated to childbirth humanized by more than 20 years, formed in Uruguay, Argentina and Brazil. Practitioner and teacher of aromatherapy holistic, REIKI Level 2 and floral therapies (Bach, California, Australian, other). More than 20 years acompaniando women, couples and family in processes of change. Blogs similar fishing villages of Canaria Tourism tourism and Ayurveda Blog for Natural Skin Care Natural Health Herbal Health Apple does not want to invest in America Latin Importance of Ayurveda Spirituality, Naturopathy nightmare DRM: the point of view of the bookseller Bookscout Vargas Llosa complaint silence of Latin America against Cuba Reflections on the Patristics Conferene at Holy Cross ‘ From My HRB338 Ayurveda 013 Anxiety Depression Iatrogenic Illness Valdez Ice Caves Spectacular! Barb completo Weblog ceremonies presentation in Tenerife from the days of mercury

Santa Catarina

The information sources are many and with the use of the Internet the life of the searching educator was more easy, however, the great difficulty of many educators is at the moment to transform the theory into practical. In the teaching action, as to transform the theory into learning for the pupils? It can be affirmed then that, the professional learning of the docncia is a process continues and necessary of the envolvement of all the personages it spectacle to continue and each time more to have involved spectators in this process. Beyond the based theory scientifically that the professor must dominate in classroom, another important and indispensable factor for a good convivncia that in the end will result in such a way in the objective longed for the educator how much for the institution, is the socialization. Marcelo Garci’a (1999) it argues that the process of professional socialization consists of making with that the professors … Learn more at this site: ViacomCBS. learn and interiorizem the norms, values and behaviors that characterize the pertaining to school culture in which it is inserted. A professor conquest the respect of its pupils, for the security in transferring its knowledge while educator and also for the principles that believes, never for the authoritarian tone, leaving to be transparent who orders in the classroom is it. 5-Methodology of the research: As instrument of collection of data, a questionnaire with six questions half-structuralized opened with qualitative analysis was elaborated, which was applied for a professor of the Federal University of Santa Catarina. 6-Analysis of data: One investigated it importance of the didactics in the teaching action of the professor of superior education, that one that it is initiating in the career of the docncia and Pedagogia or another licenciatura is not graduated. Importance of the interaction was analyzed it and of the pedagogical support in the institution where the professional will act, it is perceived that the exchange of experiences between the pedagogical team is of great value for the learning of all.

World Steel Organization

And one of the main characteristics of recent performance Chinese is the increase in civil construction – residential and commercial – after the strong fall last year (the construction is responsible for 40% of the sales of steel in the country). This generated a strong demand in the production of steel, which was supported by investments from the Government in infrastructure and by the record of automobile production. Read more here: ViacomCBS. Chinese iron ore is of low quality and high cost, which explains the volume of imports of mineral, reaching in the first nine months of the year, the 633 million metric tons, an increase of 33 percent against the same period of last year. The World Steel Organization estimated that demand for steel will grow 9.2% in 2010, returning to the pre-crisis of 1200 million metric tons level. The company even though it posted a net profit of US $1,711 million in the third quarter of this year (61.3% less than in the same period of 2008), doubled the benefits of Q2 2009, proof of which is increasing production of the hand of the world revival. Shipments of iron ore and pellets, its main business, were 75 million metric tons, increase of 35.9% compared to the previous quarter: the global recession is coming to an end at a pace faster than expected, the company reported. He said that he returned to growth after the global financial shock impacts.

Vale is the mining that provides more return to its shareholders, according to Bloomberg data. During the period 2003-2008, the company obtained a 34.9% on TSR (Total Shareholder Return, i.e. the return received by investment: increased price more dividends), followed by BHP Billiton (NYSE:BHP) with 27%, Anglo American (NASDAQ:AAUK) with a 12.1%, Xstrata 8.8 percent, with Rio Tinto (NYSE:RTP) with 4.9%. The world will strongly demand raw materials, and when buying companies that produce them is neither more nor less than at moments like these, in which potential solid companies that have been growing in the hand of strong activity worldwide, are retracted and corrected, waiting for the new momentum of activity. Since July, Vale is part of the portfolio of our Global value report, which recommends actions with strong bullish potential on Wall Street. At that time we alertabamos that the company had a strong bullish potential in its technical aspect – in graphics as well as the fundamentals. And hoped to double its value in six months, at the time that was worth $16,98 in New York.

Yesterday it closed at $26,68, a 57% rise in 4 months. And we continue to maintain it in the portfolio. If you want to know the rest of the companies that make up the report Global value portfolio, click here. Until next time, Paola Paola Pecora is international market analyst for twenty years, and monthly editor in Chief of and overall value, investment advice report, pointing to investments with strong bullish potential on Wall Street.